Archive for October, 2011

OCTOBER 28, 2011

You Can Be Spiritual And ‘Happening’ At The Same Time

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Interesting Reads, Philosophyno responses

This funky book entitled ‘ Call Me Paris’ was presented to me as a gift by a dear friend. My initial thought when reading the title was that this is going to be a ‘chick lit’ book. Well, I have nothing against books which spins tales about women and their lives but I just prefer some other genres. Nonetheless, I’m a book lover and I will always appreciate books especially if it is a gift. So, I flipped it over to read the synopsis which narrates as follows:

Life was good for Jamie – martinis, shopping, a career in fashion journalism and plenty of cash brought instant happiness. So it was a bit of a shock for her to find herself sitting in front of a gorgeous 38-year-old Guru and talking to him about how she could combine her aspirations to become Paris Hilton with a wish to become the next female Buddha.

Follow her journey as she steps foot into this incredible world of spiritual practice – from Kuala Lumpur to India to Paris, from Tsem Rinpoche’s dining room table to the freezing hills of Kathmandu, from her daily troubles to the wide open spaces of Enlightenment.

Jamie tells her story with great honesty and much humour, showing us that spirituality doesn’t have to start in the cloistered confines of a nunnery. It begins right where you are, in whatever you’re doing or aspiring to be.

The last paragraph definitely caught my attention, so I looked at the publisher’s information which surprisingly says that the book was published by a Buddhist publishing house called Kechara Media & Publications. I just thought that a Buddhist publication and aspiration to be Paris Hilton does not go hand in hand but to be honest, I liked the idea.

I am half way through the book now and at the same time, too eager to introduce it to all  my readers, hence the promotion before finishing it. I totally agree with the fact that spirituality can be adopted by anyone without giving up their colourful lifestyles, as long as it does not harm themselves and others around them. One need not be a hermit or in Jamie’s words ” confined to a nunnery” to adopt and practice spiritual teachings.

So to get a copy of “Call Me Paris”, log on to VajraSecrets
To read Jamie’s fun and loving blog, go on to The Dharma Princess Diaries
Finally, to read more about Kechara, their Buddhist Centre and lots more, Kechara

**I am advertising this book on my own free will and do not receive commissions from any purchase of this book by my readers.


**2N3D Langkawi Yoga & Nature Retreat
**4N5D Langkawi Yoga & Nature Retreat

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OCTOBER 26, 2011

Cannabis Confessions: From Skeptic to Wellness Warrior (and Maybe You Too?)

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Natural Highs, Philosophy2 comments

For years, cannabis was a topic I tiptoed around. It felt shrouded in a haze of misconceptions and negativity. But then, life threw me a curveball – chronic anxiety that left me feeling constantly on edge. Sleepless nights and a tight knot in my stomach became my unwelcome companions. Traditional medications weren’t a great fit, leaving me with unwanted side effects. So, with a healthy dose of skepticism, I decided to explore the world of cannabis.

My Journey to Greener Pastures:

My initial foray was hesitant. I started slow, with low doses and guidance from a knowledgeable dispensary staff. What I discovered surprised me. Certain strains, rich in CBD, seemed to have a calming effect, easing the constant anxious chatter in my head. Slowly, sleep returned, and that unwelcome knot in my stomach loosened its grip.

Beyond Anxiety Relief:

But cannabis wasn’t a one-trick pony. As I continued my exploration, I discovered other potential benefits. After a long day, a small dose of THC offered a welcome relaxation, easing muscle tension and melting away stress. And for those days when a bad headache threatened to derail everything, a specific strain (recommended by my dispensary friends, of course!) proved to be a surprisingly effective pain reliever.

It’s Not a Magic Bullet (But It Can Be a Powerful Ally):

Now, let me be clear – cannabis isn’t a magic cure-all. It’s essential to do your research, talk to a healthcare professional, and find what works for your unique body. But for me, it’s been a game-changer. It’s helped me manage my anxiety, improve my sleep, and find natural relief for occasional pain.

California Dreamin’ of Your Own Dispensary?

If you’re curious about cannabis and its potential health benefits, remember, knowledge is power. Talk to a doctor and explore reliable sources. Everyone’s body is different, and what works for me might not work for you.

But here’s the thing – the cannabis industry in California is booming! If you’ve ever dreamt of opening your own dispensary, there’s a whole team of experts waiting to be your secret weapon for success.

Dispensary Loan Mavens:

Think of dispensary loan experts like HEF Finance as business wizards, specializing in the world of cannabis. They understand the intricacies of this exciting industry, from navigating the legal landscape to securing funding. Here’s how they can help you turn your dispensary dream into a thriving reality:

Financing Foundations: Loan experts can connect you with lenders who get the cannabis industry. Securing funding, that crucial first step, becomes a whole lot easier with their guidance.
Regulatory Roadmap: The legalities of cannabis can feel daunting. Experts can guide you through the maze of compliance, ensuring your business operates smoothly and within all California regulations.
Business Blueprint: A solid business plan is your dispensary’s foundation. Experts can offer invaluable guidance on everything from market research to competitor analysis, and help you create a financial model that sets you up for long-term success.

The Final Note:

My journey with cannabis has been a positive one. But remember, it’s all about finding what works for you. Consult a healthcare professional and approach it with caution and research. And hey, if you’re in California and that entrepreneurial itch is calling, there’s a whole team of dispensary loan experts ready to be your secret weapon for success!

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